Monday, October 11, 2010

There is trouble with the trees

For the maples want more sunlight..

Just rushin' through some tree doodles in photoshop. Wishing I could go outdoors and enjoy the nice weather we're having. Yarrrr!

© Martin Corba 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hey Teacher..

Was asked to draw the teacher from that one Pink Floyd video, along with a young Roger Waters. I don't really like how either turned out. Maybe a few revisions are in order.
And here are a couple quick pen/watercolor doodles of Roger.

© Martin Corba 2010

Yowza, I need to post more...

I've discovered (the hard way) that my body does not get along with Poison Oak at alllllll. After spending one summer day tending to the overgrown garden I awoke the next morning with small blisters/boils all over my arms, legs and chest. Aaaaand then they got worse:

Aches all over. Crazy boils the size of McNuggets. It was a scary sight. But after two weeks of antibiotics everything is back to normal. Phew.

While on the subject of scary/awesome. Here's a photo I took of a mean little spider just seconds before he jumped from the playground right on to the camera. I was quite proud of the fact that I didn't scream. I remained calm and just brushed the little guy away trying to keep my cool in front of the kids. :D

© Martin Corba 2010